ABS Group set the Italian record with the new Durst Rhotex 500 and the Monti Antonio calender
ABS GROUP is a pioneer in extra-large sublimatic printing on textile in set-up and visual communication environment. The company continues to invest in new technologies.After the purchase of Rhotex 500, the exclusive 5 metres printer for soft signage
of Durst Photetechnick S.p.A., the company has also installed a new Monti Antonio calender for sublimation (www.montiantonio.com).
In this way the productive process on large format textile has been completed. This is an important objective, reached by ABS Group in order to constantly expand offer and service to customers and optimize working processes.Implementation of this machineries
for 5 metres format allows to get to today at 600 mq/h productive capacity, guaranteeing not only speed, but even precision and reliability.
The market, compared to plastic fabrics, is proving to prefer textile – more versatile, sustainable and with an impeccable chromatic yield. In this scenario and thanks to strategic choices implemented in this years, ABS GROUP confirms itself in first
line to satisfy all large format communication needs.
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